Baldwin Stair Workout 3/17/2020

Set 1 Stairs

Stair Set 1 was awesome! Evan started with the 8lb med ball and traded with Jamie each section. They quickly climbed to the top without stopping.

Rock Stars!

Set 2 Stairs

Stair Set 2 Jamie started with the 8lb med ball and Evan held the med ball above his head every time he had the ball. Cranked up with ease.

Yup! Rock Stars

Set 1 Pullups

Overhand and amazing!

Jamie 5.5 pullups + 4.5 with help =10!

Evan 14.5 pullups!

Set 2 Chinups

Underhand grip.

Jamie 6.5 chins + 4 with help = 10.5!

Evan 20 chins!

Set 1 Monkey Bars

Evan down almost to end.

Jamie down and almost back.

Set 2 Monkey Bars

Jamie down and back.

Evan down and back
